Why is insurance goin’ up?

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful summer. Wow! It’s hard to believe it’s been over 3 years since Aunt Junebug and I moved out of the city to the country. I’ve been chasing my tail and trying to slow down enough to work on this blog. Carving out the time has been […]

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The Craven Agency Logo

Price Increase Letter

Dear Valued Client, We hope this letter finds you well. At The Craven Insurance Agency, we greatly appreciate your trust and loyalty. We are writing to inform you about a recent development in the homeowners insurance market that may affect your policy. Due to a variety of factors, including increased claim activity, rising construction costs,

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Blog - Dreams


Hello everyone, it’s been a minute since our last visit. It’s been go, go, go, all the time for me. Now that we are well on our way into 2023, it’s time to get back on track. Full disclosure, I’ve been dealing with a little bit of the writer’s block as well. Even been wrestling

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The Craven Agency Blog - Contractor Fraud

Contractor Fraud

Hello everyone, it’s me again, time for another installment from the world of The Craven Agency’s Blog. This one hit’s close to home. We are all aware of contractor fraud. You may have experienced it firsthand or maybe know of someone that has had it happen to them. It’s happening in our own back yard.

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The Craven Agency Blog - Transitions


Hello all, It’s me again. It’s been a while. Sorry it’s taken so long for another post. Hope everyone is doing well. Life’s been moving extremely fast for me. Lots of changes to share. First of all, I’d like to thank all of you for reading my little blog. Second, (for the first timers), I

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The Craven Agency Blog - Insecurities


Hello everyone, It’s that time again. Time for another killer blog. ( I’m joking of course) So what to write about this month? HHHmmmm, can write about the Christmas Holidays, nah, people are probably burnt out on that already. How about more on the Rona? Nope, can you say COVID-19 fatigue? Can write about insurance

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The Craven Agency Blog - Me, June, and the Rona

Me, June, and the Rona

Well it’s that time again. Time for another blog. While pondering what to write? First thought was to write about insurance. Then I thought no, how about politics. (lol not really) Then I came down with COVID-19. So, I figured you might like some insight on how it affected us. In short, so far so

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