The Craven Agency Blog Avoiding Frozen Pipes

Avoiding Burst/Frozen Water Pipes

Well, it’s Tuesday and day two of Snowmagedon 2021!! I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. I can’t remember a time when it’s been this cold here (NW Louisiana) Maybe way back in the day. I think it was back in the early 80’s, when we had several days of snow, ice, and generally super cold weather. (we were out of school for days, it was glorious). No school just snow fun. We received several inches of snow and ice here yesterday and are expecting round 2 of more winter precipitation tomorrow night into Thursday. Yikes!

They are talking about another several inches of snow & ice. So, June and I we are hunkered down and are riding it out. It does not help much that I’m on crutches during all this either. (a story for another time) Would have loved to have gotten out there and enjoyed the rare snow fall in our neck of the woods.

Anyways I digress, I wanted to refocus this month’s blog on something insurance related, then mother nature intervened. Maybe I can tie the two together. How about this?!

Typically, most homeowners’ policies do not cover frozen pipes bursting. (review your policy to see what is covered) It is imperative, that you prepare in advance of inclement weather. Wrap or cover exposed faucets and pipes. Foam pipe insulation can be used (you can purchase at most hardware stores) that will wrap around your pipes. If you are unable to locate any, you may use some old newspapers or rags in a pinch. It should be at least 1” thick, (use duct tape) then wrap that with aluminum foil to keep the moisture out, it’s not a long-term solution, but should work well until you can acquire the proper materials. Oh, one other quick tip, to help keep pipes from freezing. Leave an inside faucet running to barely a trickle, the one that is the furthest away from where your water comes into your home. This will help keep them from freezing as well. May add a little extra to your water bill, but it beats having to replace or repair busted pipes.

Getting back to the insurance part. Most policies will cover water damage if it is a covered expense in your policy. Long as if (the water damage from the ruptured pipe) was sudden and accidental. They will not cover if the rupture that occurs from neglect or poor maintenance. Most will pay to repair or replace things like ceilings, floors, walls, furnishings, etc.… You may have to pay a plumber out of pocket to replace or repair your pipes, but it is a rather good trade off, instead of having to pay for all the damages to your home.
Believe me, this happened to us a few years ago, we had to replace our entire hardwood flooring throughout the home. If I remember correctly, I think the total price tag was well over 30,000.00

Hope this has been helpful and somewhat entertaining. Thank you all for taking the time to read my little blog. As always, my apologies for the writing (I am not a writer) Of course would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Y’all stay safe and warm.